Hugely satisfying start to a brilliantly imagined series!!!​​​​​​​
Sappharia Mayer has created a world in which getting lost in her creativity is well worth it. Her books are nearly impossible to put down. ~Amazon Review
Edge of Your Seat Page Turner
Unique - This storyline is so unique in having the multiple personas of the main character. I love her...all 3 of her! I'm anxious to see how things are resolved with Reece who's an amazing dom. I'm very understanding that he feels betrayed...Hoping he will come around. And Edmund? I hope he ends up wearing cement shoes in the bottom of the Potomac. I'm anxious to get started on the next book.
Unbelievably talented author! The way she weaves her plot is a masterpiece. The more I read, the more I want, unable to put the story don't and awaiting the sequel. Simply brilliant!
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